7x 20 kW = 140 kW
4x 33 kW = 132 kW
= 272 kW * 0,7 k(Simultaneity) = 190 kW
7 x 11,7 kW = 81,9 kW – 10,5kW (Pump capacity) = 71,4 kW
4 x 14,7 kW = 58,8 kW – 6 kW (Pump capacity) = 52,8 kW
71,4 kW + 52,8 kW = 124,4 kW * 0,7 (Simultaneity) = ~ 87 kW
87 kW + 16,5 kW (Pump performance) = 103,5 kW

Cooling capacities 2 kW to 70 kW.
WKS series.
Chillers for industrial applications of all kinds, such as lasers, machine tools, plastics and packaging industry, print as well as food & beverage and much more.